These Fiscal Year 2023 statistics provide a snapshot of the services that CCPL provides. If you need more information beyond what is provided here, please feel free to contact us.
Branches: 7
Cardholders: 96,485
Total Visitors: 677,088
Total Circulation: 2,971,861
Circulation per Capita: 16.78 estimated
Total Information Transactions: 116,692
County Population: 173,873 (provided by Maryland State Library)
Total Collection: 677,088
Books: 343,106
Audio: 35,566
DVD: 42,867
Storytime Express (mobile services): 22,279
Other Non-Print: 10,679
Magazines: 4,459
Digital: 217,908
Chromebooks: 224
Collection Turnover: 4.31
Databases: 27
Number of Programs: 5,842
Program Attendance: 145,111
Attendance per Program: 24.84
Public Computers (general computers, game computers, catalogs): 113
Computer Sessions: 42,664
Average Session (minutes): 61 minutes
Public Wi-Fi sessions: 71,110
Average WiFi session (minutes): 235
Meeting Room Bookings: 12,623
County Bills Paid: 1,998
Student Service Hours: 1,885.25