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Thank you for your interest in presenting a program at Carroll County Public Library. Please complete the form below to assist us in reviewing your program proposal. Submission of this form is not a guarantee that you will be selected to present the proposed program. Programs are generally scheduled 3 - 6 months in advance of the program date.
If you are a local or national author looking to schedule an author talk or presentation, please contact Lisa Picker instead of completing this form.
If you are interested in presenting at Exploration Commons, their form can be found on the Exploration Commons site.
If a field is not relevant to your submission, please enter N/A.
First name
Last name
Email address
Phone number
Have you previously presented at CCPL? Yes No
Select the locations where you would like to present (select all that apply).
Eldersburg Finksburg Mount Airy North Carroll Taneytown Westminster
Select the type(s) of presentations or programs you are proposing.
Interactive program Speaker/presentation Virtual program Other
What program topic(s) are you interested in speaking about or teaching?
What related experience or qualifications do you have?
Do you have teaching or instructional experience? If so, describe and include ages.
What times are you available to present?
Weekday morning Weekday afternoon Weekday evening Saturday morning Saturday afternoon
Program title and description
What are the learning objectives
Maximum Participants Select maximum participants 5101520255075100125150175200
For what age group will you be presenting
Children (Birth - 10) Teens (11 - 17) Adults (18+) All Ages
Program length Select program length 1 hour1 1/2 hours2 hours2 1/2 hours3 hours4 hours
Anticipated setup time Select setup time None15 minutes30 minutes1 hour1 1/2 hours2 hours
Anticipated teardown time Select teardown time None15 minutes30 minutes1 hour1 1/2 hours2 hours
Do you charge a fee Yes No
If yes, how much do you charge $
Are there other costs associated with this program?
What materials, supplies and/or equipment will you provide?
What materials, supplies and/or equipment does the library need to provide? (Include estimated cost)
List associations, organizations or businesses that the program is sponsored by or associated with.
If you are presenting a program based on your published work, please provide the following:
Publication/Release Year
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